Disclaimer Generator

Limit your liability and protect your blog, website and business with our lawyer drafted customizable disclaimers
Most comprehensive generator on the internet
20 Disclaimers
30 Day Moneyback Guarantee

Customizable  Disclaimer

Our Disclaimer is customizable to include the clauses relevant to your business

Free to Use

100% Free Disclaimer for your website no hidden fees

Minimize  Liability

Help to minimize your liability and unwanted legal action

What's included

Our Disclaimer Generator includes:


A general consent disclaimer.
Let your users know to STOP using your website if they do not agree with your Disclaimer

Content Disclaimer

Remove yourself from liability with relation to the content on your website, whether it has been posted by you or users to your website

External Links Disclaimer

Does your website contain links to other websites? If so then include the external links disclaimer to remove any responsibility for the content offered on third party websites.

Investment Disclaimer

Do you offer any information regarding investments or investment products? Then add this disclaimer to express that you don’t offer investment advice.

Medical Disclaimer

Does your website contain and medical content? Do you discuss your experience with either your own or patients medical issues? Ensure you are letting your readers know that your website DOES NOT PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE with this disclaimer

Social Media Channel Disclaimer

Does your business have a social media channel? Remove responsibility for actions taken on this media with this disclaimer.

Blog Disclaimer

Does your website contain content regarding legal matters? Then ensure you outline that there is no lawyer-client relationship between you and the recipient with this disclaimer.

Price Inaccuracies Disclaimer

From time to time mistakes can be made. If you are selling goods or services have a disclaimer in place in case an error is made on your prices.

Fair Use Notice Disclaimer

Does your website contain content that may not have been authorised by the content owner? Add this fair use disclaimer.

Affiliate Disclaimer

Does your website contain affiliate links? If so ensure you are compliant with the FTC by adding this disclaimer.

Reviews Disclaimer

Does your website offer reviews on certain products? Do you every receive an incentive for these? Add this disclaimer if you do post reviews

Earnings Disclaimer

Does your website report on the success of prior or existing customers? If so add this disclaimer which explains that results may vary from these examples.

Health & Fitness Disclaimer

Do you offer any information regarding health and fitness? Ensure your readers understand the information is for educational purposes only with this disclaimer.

Legal Disclaimer

Does your website contain content regarding legal matters? Then ensure you outline that there is no lawyer-client relationship between you and the recipient with this disclaimer.

Map Policy

Does your website embed a Google Map? Perhaps showing directions to your business. Add a Map Disclaimer to your website

Product Disclaimer

Does your website sell products? Ensure users are aware that the use of any product sold is at their own risk.

YouTube Video Disclaimer

Does your website embed any videos from YouTube? Ensure your users are aware that you are not responsible for this content and that it is hosted on YouTube and not by you.

Personal Responsibility

A disclaimer to acknowledge that use of your website is done so voluntarily and any choices and actions made are solely the responsibility of the user.

Generate Your Disclaimer

Our free disclaimer generator offers you a generic disclaimer template covering some disclaimers you may require.

A disclaimer is a statement which is used to help minimize liability and unwanted legal action. Although it cannot guarantee you will not face any legal action, it does go a long way toward reducing the likelihood and protecting you and your business.

Our free disclaimer generator includes the basic clauses needed to cover you for personal responsibility, accuracy of information, external links to other sites and liability for damages experienced in connection with use of your website.

Our generator is completely free and will generate a disclaimer for you in a matter of minutes. Simply fill out a couple of boxes and make a few selections and you are ready to start using your disclaimer. We have even left room for you to add in your own clauses if you wish.

Generate Disclaimer

Frequently Asked Questions

⭐️ Why Do You Need a Disclaimer?

⭐️ Is a disclaimer required by law?

⭐️ What areas might be subject to liability?

⭐️ Do I need a disclaimer and a terms and conditions agreement?

⭐️ How does a disclaimer help me?

⭐️ How can I generate a disclaimer?

For further information regarding privacy policies please take a look at our articles

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