Frequently Asked Questions...
Why do I need a privacy policy?
A privacy policy is required by any website, including a blog, that collects personal information from visitors and users.
Do you use Google Analytics? If so, you are required to have a privacy policy as part of their terms & conditions.
Do you run a newsletter for your readers? If so you are collecting their emails, which is personal information and you require a privacy policy.
Do you use a hosting company? if the answer is yes, then you are sharing personal data with your hosting company and require a privacy policy.
If you are part of an affiliate program, you are required to disclose this. We have a clause included that covers Amazon Affiliates (in line with the FTC) and other affiliate programs.
Why do I need a terms and conditions agreement?
There are many reasons to have a terms and conditions agreement (also known as terms of service) on your blog.
You have undoubtedly spent a lot of time creating content on your blog. Include a clause that explains all of the content, apart from user content, is owned by you, that your content must remain your exclusive property.
Include a clause that protects your intellectual property. Intellectual property encompasses all of the material on your blog. This includes words, information, graphics, design and logos.
It is important to include your governing law. Any claims relating to the use of your blog are therefore governed by these laws.
In general having terms and conditions on your blog increases visitors trust, helps protect your content, prevents abuse of your site and helps limit liability.
How do I use your generators?
1. Once you have made your payment you are automatically taken to the privacy policy generator where you will see you will see your key.
2. Complete the form by making the selections that best suit your blogs requirements and filling in any details as required.
3. You then get the option to copy the policy in html or rich text format (which can then be added into any rich text editor such as the Wordpress editor or a word editor such as Microsoft word.) or you can copy the link into your browser and use our free hosting for your policy.
4. You will then get promoted to generate your terms and conditions agreement. Click the link and you will be taken automatically to the terms and conditions agreement generator where you will once again make the selections which are suited to your blog.
Do I have to generate both of my policies at once?
No, you can return at a time that is convenient for you to generate your other policy. Once you have made your purchase you will receive a receipt and a License Key to your email. You have a 10 year window to generate your policies. Just click on the "View my License Information" button in your email and it will take you to a screen showing you which policy you have generated and which is remaining.